Bachelor of Laws from PUC-Rio (Brazil); Master in Legal-Political Sciences, with mention in Constitutional Law, and PhD in Civil Law, both from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and with a line of research in the area of Sports Law.
Guest professor of Sports Law courses. Coordinator of the book “Sports Economic Law” (LTr, 2019). Author of several legal articles and contributor to works and periodicals published in Brazil and abroad.
Nominated for the 2020 AmoEsportes Award in the Best Sports Law Professional category. Effective member of the OAB/SP Special Sports Law Commission (2019-2021 period), the Brazilian Institute of Sports Law (IBDD) and the IBDD Study Group.
Lawyer with professional experience in the sports sector, providing legal consultancy and guiding clients regarding career management, interaction and relationships with market players (clubs, athletes, intermediaries), contracts, negotiations, transfers of athletes, in addition to judicial and extrajudicial disputes and arbitration (CBF/CNRD, FIFA, TAS-CAS).
Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 50 cj. 42
Vila Nova Conceição – São Paulo – SP